Manhattan SHORT Film Festival (One night only!)

Friday,  September 27th

7 pm

See trailer HERE.


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Manhattan SHORT Film Festival (One night only!)


MANHATTAN SHORT 2024…You Be the Judge!
Discover your inner film critic by casting your vote for Best Film and Best Actor in the 27th Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival screening September 27th ONLY at the Sunflower Theatre! You’ll join film lovers in over 500 venues across the globe gathering to see the Ten Finalist in this year’s event. With past finalists garnering Oscar nominations and short films continuing to move into the Hollywood mainstream, come see this entertaining program featuring the best short films in the world today! Ballots supplied upon entry.

MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival 2024 showcases the 10 finalists in short films linked by a common theme: how we face adversity, whether it is imposed by others or arises from personal circumstances. The 10 short films in the program feature narratives that are dramatic, sometimes humorous, occasionally magical and always inspirational! Audience votes for Best Film and Best Actor will be announced at on Monday October 7th.

Friday,  September 27th

7 pm

See trailer HERE.